Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Trust service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Trust Illuminated Keyboard KB-1500 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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  • Page 3

    User Manual 1 Product information A : Internet keys B : Multimedia keys C : Background light (ON/OFF) D : Num Lock LED E : Caps Lock LED F : Scroll Lock LED G : Open My Computer H : Open Calculator I : Standby button J : USB connection UK Installation 1 Connect the US B cable to the PC. 2 Turn the computer on. The installation procedure is complete[...]

  • Page 4

    User Manual 2 • This product conforms with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions stipulated by the applicable European direct ives. The Declaration of Conformity (D oC) is available a t com/14960/ce. • If possible, dispo se of the used applia nce at a recycling centre. Do not dispose of t he used appliance with the[...]

  • Page 5

    Bedienungsanleitung 1 Produktinformationen A : Internettasten B : Multimediatasten C : Beleuchtung (EIN/AUS) D : Num-LED E : Feststelltaste- LED F : Rollen-LED G : Öffnen von „Arbeitsplatz“ H : Öffnen von „Rechner“ I : Standby-Taste J : USB-Anschluss DE Installation 1 Schließen Sie das USB-Kabel am Computer an. 2 Schalten Sie den Compute[...]

  • Page 6

    Bedienungsanleitung 2 Sicherheitshinweise • Öffnen Sie das Produkt nicht, und führen Sie Reparaturen nicht selbstst ändig aus. • Halten Sie das Gerät vo n Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser fern. • Dieses Produkt entspricht den grund legenden Anforderungen und allen sonst igen Bestimmungen der einschlägigen europäischen Richtlinien. Die Ko nform[...]

  • Page 7

    Manuel de l’utilisateur 1 Informations produit : A : Touches Internet B : Touches multimédia C : Rétro-éclairage (MARCHE/ARRET) D : LED de verrouillage numérique E : LED de verrouillage des majuscules F : LED d’arrêt de défilement G : Ouvre le Poste de tra vail H : Ouvre la Calculatrice I : Touche de mode Veille J : Connexion USB FR Insta[...]

  • Page 8

    Manuel de l’utilisateur 2 • Ce produit est confo rme aux principales exigences et autres provisions stip ulées par les directives européennes applicables. La Déclaration de Conformi té (DdC) est disponible à l’adresse s uivante : m/14960/ce. • Si possible, mettre le périphérique au rebu t dans un centre de recyclage . Ne[...]

  • Page 9

    Manuale utente 1 Informazioni sul prodotto A : Tasti Internet B : Tasti multimediali C : Retroilluminazione (ON/OFF) D : LED Bloc Num E : LED Bloc Maiusc F : LED Bloc Scorr G : Apri "Risorse del computer" H : Apri calcolatrice I : Pulsante stan d-by J : Connettore USB Installazione 1 Collegare il cavo USB al PC. 2 Accendere il computer. L[...]

  • Page 10

    Manuale utente 2 • Il presente prodotto è conforme a tutti i requisiti essenziali ed a lle altre pr escrizioni di rilie vo delle direttive europee pertinenti. La Dichia razione di Conformità (DoC) è consultab ile al seguente indirizzo I nternet: m/14960/ce. • Se possibile, smaltire il prodotto presso un centro di riciclaggio. No[...]

  • Page 11

    Manual del usuario 1 Información sobre el producto A : Teclas pa ra Internet B : Teclas Multimedia C : Luz de fondo (ON/OFF) D : LED Bloq Núm E : LED Bloq Mayús F : LED Bloq Despl G : Abrir Mi PC H : Abrir Calculadora I : Botón Standby J : Conexión USB Instalación 1 Conecte el cable USB al or denador. 2 Encienda el ordenador. El proceso de in[...]

  • Page 12

    Manual del usuario 2 • Este producto cumple con los requer imientos esenciales y otras condic iones relevantes de la normativa europea vigente. La Declaración de Conformida d (DoC) está disponible en www.trus • De ser posible , al deshacerse del aparato llévelo a u n centro de reciclaje . No lo tire junto con los residuos dom[...]

  • Page 13

    Podr ę cznik u ż ytkow nika 1 Informacje o produkcie A : Klawisze do obs ł ugi Internetu B : Klawisze multimedialne C : Pod ś wietlenie (w łą czone/wy łą czone) D : Lampka kontrolna Num Lock E : Lampka kontrolna Caps Lock F : Lampka kontrolna Scroll Lock G : Dost ę p do Mojego komputera H : Dost ę p do kalkulatora I : Przycisk trybu oczek[...]

  • Page 14

    Podr ę cznik u ż ytkowni ka 2 Ś rodki bezpiecze ń stwa • Nie otwieraj ani nie nap rawiaj urz ą dzenia samodzielnie. • Chro ń urz ą dzenie przed kontaktem z wod ą i innymi cieczami. • Produkt spe ł nia g ł ówne wymogi oraz wszelkie odno ś ne postan owienia zawarte w obowi ą zuj ą cych normach europejskich. Deklaracja zgodno ś ci[...]

  • Page 15

    Gebruikers handleiding 1 NL Productinformatie A : Internettoetsen B : Multimediatoetsen C : AchtergrondLicht knop (ON/OFF) D : Num Lock LED E : Caps Lock LED F : Scroll Lock LED G : Mijn computer openen H : Rekenmachine openen I : Standby-knop J : USB aanslu itkabel Installatie 1 Sluit de USB-kabel aan op de pc. 2 Zet de computer aan De installatie[...]

  • Page 16

    Gebruikers handleiding 2 • Dit product voldoet aan de esse ntiële eisen e n aan de overige relevan te bepalingen van de gelde nde Europese richtlijnen. De conformiteitsverklar ing (DoC) is beschikbaar op www.trus 14960/ce. • Lever het gebruikte apparaat in dien mogelijk in bij een recycling-cen trum. Gooi het gebruikte apparaat niet weg[...]

  • Page 17

    Manual do Utilizador 1 Informação sobre o produto A : Teclas da Internet B : Teclas de multimédia C : Luz de fundo (ON/OFF) D : LED de Num Lock E : LED de Caps Lock F : LED de Scroll Lock G : Abra "O meu computador" H : Abrir Calculadora I : Botão de Standby J : Ligação USB Instalação 1 Ligue o cabo USB ao PC. 2 Ligue o computador[...]

  • Page 18

    Manual do Utilizador 2 • Este produto está em conformidade com to das as exigências essenciais e out ras condições relevantes da s directivas europe ias em vigor. A Decl aração de Conformidade (DoC) está disponíve l em m/14960/ce. • Se possível, quando s e desfizer do aparel ho entregue-o num centro de reciclagem. Não dei[...]

  • Page 19

    Εγχειρίδιο χρήσης 1 Πληροφορίες για το προϊόν A : Πλήκτρα ∆ιαδικτύου B : Πλήκτρα πολυ µ έσων C : Φωτισ µ ός πλήκτρων (ON/OFF) D : Ενδεικτική λυχνία LED Num Lock E : Ενδεικτική λυχνία LED Caps Lock F : Ενδεικτική λυχν[...]

  • Page 20

    Εγχειρίδιο χρήσης 2 Επισκεφθείτε την τοποθεσία web , για απαντήσεις σε συχνές ερωτήσεις , προγρά µµ ατα οδήγησης και εγχειρίδια χρήσης . Πρόσθετες υπηρ εσίες διατίθενται κατόπιν εγγρ[...]

  • Page 21

    Brugermanual 1 Produktinformation A : Internettaster B : Multimediataster C: Baggrundslys (ON/OFF) D: Num Lock LED E: Caps Lock LED F : Scroll Lock LED G : Åben Denne Computer. H : Åben Lommeregner I : Standbyknap J : USB-forbindelse Installation 1 Forbind USB-kablet til Pc’en. 2 Tænd for computeren. Installationsprocedu ren er fuldført. Bem?[...]

  • Page 22

    Brugermanual 2 • Dette apparat opfylder de pågældende krav og an dre relevante betingelser, under de anvendt e europæiske direktiver. Erklæringen om konformitet (Declara tion of Conformity (DoC)) er tilgængelig på m/14960/ce. • Bortskaf apparatet på et genbrugsce nter, hvis mulig t. Afhænd ikke apparatet sammen med a lminde[...]

  • Page 23

    Bruksanvisning 1 Produktinformation A : Internettangente r B: Multimedietangenter C : Bakgrundsbelysning (PÅ/AV) D : Num Lock - lysdiod E : Caps Lock - lysdiod F : Scroll Lock - lysdiod G : Öppna Den här datorn H : Öppna Kalkylatorn I : Standby-knapp J : USB-anslutning Installation 1 Anslut USB-kabeln till datorn. 2 Starta datorn. Installations[...]

  • Page 24

    Bruksanvisning 2 • Den här produkten uppfyller alla grundläggande krav och andra relevanta villkor enlig t tillämpliga EU-direktiv. Försäkran om överensstämmelse finns tillgänglig på www. trust .com/14960/ce. • Om möjligt ska denna prod ukt lämnas in på en återvinning sstation. Släng int e den i hushållssoporna. Garanti och copyr[...]

  • Page 25

    Használati utasítás 1 Termékinformáció A : Internet vezérl ő gombok B : Multimédia vezérl ő gombok C : Háttérvilágítás (B E/KI) D : Num Lock jelz ő fény E : Caps Lock jelz ő fény F : Scroll Lock jelz ő fény G : "Sajátgép" megnyitása H : Számológép megnyitása I : Készenlét üzemmód gomb J : USB-csatlakozó ?[...]

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    Használati utasítás 2 • Ez az eszköz teljesíti a vonat kozó európai irányelvek alapvet ő követelményeit és azok egyéb vonat kozó kikötéseit. A Megfelel ő ségi nyilatkozat (Declara ti on of Conformity) elérhet ő a com/14960/ce címen. • Amennyiben lehetséges, a készülék kiselejt ezése esetén válassz on körn[...]

  • Page 27

    Návod k použití 1 Informace o výrobku A: Internetové klávesy B: Multimediální klávesy C: Osv ě tlení pozadí (Zapnuté/Vypnuté) D: Kontrolka Num Lock E: Kontrolka Caps Lock F: Kontrolka Scroll Lock G: Otev ř e složku Tento po č íta č H: Otev ř e složku Kalkula č ka I : Tla č ítko Pohotovost ního režimu J : USB p ř ipojení [...]

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    Návod k použití 2 • Tento výrobek odpovídá základním požadavk ů m a jiným relevantním p ř edpis ů m stanoveným p ř íslušnými evropskými sm ě rnicemi. Vyhlášení o shod ě (VoS) je k dispozici na com/14960/ce. • Pokud možno, zaneste pou žité za ř ízení do recykla č ního centra. Použité za ř ízení ne[...]

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    Návod na použiti e 1 Informácie o výrobku A: Internetové klávesy B: Multimediálne klávesy C: Osvetlenie pozadia (zapnuté/vypnut é) D: Kontrolka Num Lock E: Kontrolka Caps Lock F: Kontrolka Scroll Lock G: Otvorí zložku Tento po č íta č H: Otvorí zložku Kalkula č ka I : Tla č idlo Pohotovost ného režimu J : Pripojenie USB Inštal[...]

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    Návod na použiti e 2 • Tento výrobok je v súlade s podstatn ými požiad avkami a inými relevantnými usta noveniami ur č enými príslušnými európskymi smernicami. Vyhlásenie o zh ode (VoZ) je k dispozíc ii na www.trus • Ak je to možné, za neste použité za riadenie do recykla č ného centra. Použité za riadeni[...]

  • Page 31

    Käyttöopas 1 Tuotetiedot A : Internet-näp päimet B : Multimedianäppäimet C : Taustavalo (ON/OFF) D : Num Lock -LED E : Caps Lock -LED F : Scroll Lock -LED G : Avaa Oma tietok one H : Käynnistä laskin I : Valmiustilapainike J : USB-liitäntä Asentaminen 1 Kytke USB-kaapeli t ietokoneeseen. 2 Kytke virta tieto koneeseen. Asennus on valmis. H[...]

  • Page 32

    Käyttöopas 2 • Tämä laite tä yttää asiano maisten eurooppala isten direktiivien vaatimukset . Vaatimustenmukaisuusva kuutus on luettavissa osoitteessa www.t • Hävitä käytetty l aite toimittamalla s e kierrätyks een. Älä hävi tä käytettyä laitetta k otitalousjättee n seassa. Takuu ja tekijänoikeussuoja • T[...]

  • Page 33

    Bruksanvisning 1 Produktinformasjon A: Internettaster B: Multimedietaster C: Bakgrunnslys (PÅ/AV) D: Num Lock LED E: Caps Lock LED F: Scroll Lock LED G: Skru på datamaskin H: Skru på kalkulator I: Standbyknapp J: USB-port Installasjon 1 Koble USB-kabelen til datamaskinen. 2 Skru på datamaskinen. Installasjonen er ferdig . NB Multimedie- og kont[...]

  • Page 34

    Bruksanvisning 2 • Dette produktet er p rodusert i overensstemmelse med d e krav og retningslinjer som er uta rbeidet i de europeiske direktivene. Samsva rserklæringen (DoC) er tilgje ngelig på • Ved avhending av prod uktet skal det leveres inn ved en gjenvinning sstasjon. Ikke kast produktet i husholdningsavfallet. G[...]

  • Page 35

    Kullan ı c ı K ı lavuzu 1 Ürün bilgileri A : Internet tu ş lar ı B : Çokluortam tu ş lar ı C : Artalan ı ş ı ğ ı (AÇIK/KAPALI) D : Say ı Kilidi LED Göstergesi E : Büyük Harf Kilidi LED Göstergesi F : Kayd ı rma Kilidi LED Göstergesi G : Bilgisayar ı m (My Computer) klasörünü açar H : Hesap Makinesini aça r I : Bekleme d[...]

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    Kullan ı c ı K ı lavuzu 2 Güvenlik • Bu ayg ı t ı kesinlikle kendiniz açmay ı n ya da onarma y ı n. • Bu ayg ı t ı su gibi s ı v ı lardan uzakta t utun. • Bu ürün, yürürlükteki Avrupa yönergel erinde belirtilen gereksinimleri kar ş ı lamakta ve di ğ er ko ş ullar ı yerine getirmektedir. Uygunluk Bildirimi (DoC) belgesi[...]

  • Page 37

    Руководство пользователя 1 Информация об изделии A : Клавиши для работы в сети Internet B : Мультимедийная клавиша C : Фоновая подсветка ( ВКЛ ./ ВЫКЛ .) D : СИД Num Lock ( фиксация цифрового регистра ) E : СИД C[...]

  • Page 38

    Руководство пользователя 2 Безопасность • Никогда не пробуйте открывать или ремонтироват ь этот продукт самостоятельно . • Не допускайте попадания в устройство жидкостей , например , воды . ?[...]

  • Page 39

    Manual de utilizare 1 Informa ţ ii produs A : Taste internet B : Taste multimedia C : Lumin ă fundal (PORNIT/OPRIT) D : Indicator LED pentru Num Lock E : Indicator LED pentru Caps Lock F : Indicator LED pentru Scroll Lock G : Deschide ţ i My computer H : Deschide ţ i calculatorul I : Buton standby J : conexiune USB Instalare 1 Conecta ţ i cabl[...]

  • Page 40

    Manual de utilizare 2 • Acest produs respect ă cerin ţ ele d e baz ă ş i toat e condi ţ iile relevante aferente ale direct ivelor europene aplicabile. Declara ţ ia de Conformitate (DoC) este disponibi l ă pe www.trus • Dac ă este posibil, c asa ţ i dispozitivul la un cent ru de reciclare. Nu casa ţ i dispozitivul împr[...]

  • Page 41

    Ръководство за потребителя 1 Информация за продукта A: Клавиши за Интернет B: Клавиши за мултимедиа C: Фоново осветление (ON/OFF) D: Светодиод за Num Lock E: Светодиод за Caps Lock F: Светодиод за Scroll Lock G: Отва?[...]

  • Page 42

    Ръководство за потребителя 2 • Пазете устройството от съприкосновение с течности , например , вода . • Този продукт съответства на основните изисквания и другите съответни разпоредби , предв?[...]

  • Page 43

    用户手册 1 产品信息 A : Internet 键 B:多媒体键 C :背景灯(开/关) D : Num Lock LED 指示灯 E : Caps Lock LED 指示灯 F: Scroll Lock LED 指示灯 G :打开“我的电脑” H :打开“计算器” 待机键 USB 连接 安装 1 将 USB 电缆连接到计算机。 2 打开计算机 安装步骤即告完成。[...]

  • Page 44

    用户手册 2 • 本设备符合欧洲可适用性指令规定的基本需求以及其他相关条件。本符合性声明 (DoC) 可在 www 处获得 • 如有可能,请将本设备在回收中心进行处理。 不要将本设备与家庭垃圾一起丢弃。 质量保证和版权 • 本产品享受两年的厂家保修?[...]

  • Page 45

    Navodila z a uporabo 1 Informacije o izdelku A: Internetne tipke B: Multimedijske tipke C: Osvetlitev ozadja (VKLOPLJENO/IZKLOPLJENO) D: Num Lock LED E: Caps Lock LED F : Scroll Lock LED G : Odpri moj ra č unalnik H : Odpri kalkulator I : Gumb za stanje pripravljenosti J : Povezava USB SI Namestitev 1 Priklopite USB kabel na PC. 2 Vklopite ra č u[...]

  • Page 46

    Upute za korisnika 1 Informacije o proizvodu A : tipke za interne t B : multimedijske tipke C : pozadinsko svjetlo (ON/O FF) D : Num Lock LED indikator E : Caps Lock LED indikator F : Scroll Lock LED indikator G : Open My Computer (otvori moje ra č unalo) H : Open Calculator (otvori kalkulator) I : gumb za standby J : USB veza HR Instalacija 1 Spo[...]

  • Page 47

    Upute za korisnika 2 • Ovaj proizvod ispunjava temeljne zahtjeve i os tale releva ntne odredbe navedene u odg ovaraju ć im europskim smjernicama. Izjava o sukladnosti (DoC) je dostupna na adresi com/14960/ce. • Ako je mogu ć e, zbrinit e upotrijebljeni ure đ aj u centar za recikliranje. Nemojte bacati upotrijebljeni ure đ aj u ku[...]