Speedlink SL-6448 Blade manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Speedlink SL-6448 Blade item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Speedlink SL-6448 Blade item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Speedlink service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Speedlink SL-6448 Blade.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Speedlink SL-6448 Blade item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Blade K eyboar d SL-6448-SBE / SBK / SRD / SWT User‘s Guide Bedienungsanleitung Mode d‘emploi Instrucciones de manejo Manuale di istruzioni[...]

  • Page 2

    DE S i c h e r h e i t S h i n w e i S e Wic htig! Bevor Sie dieses Produkt ver wenden, lesen Sie bit te die Sicherheit s- und Warnhinweise im Handbuch. Bewa h- ren Sie dieses Handbuc h auf , um zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt darauf zurückgreifen zu können . Haf tung sausschl uss Die Jöllenb eck GmbH übernimmt kei- ne Haf tung für Schäden am Pr[...]

  • Page 3

    DE 3 Lief er umf ang  B lade Ke yboard  B edienungsanleitung Syst emvoraus set z ung en  W indows 20 0 0/ M E / X P  U SB - Schnit tstelle Inb et ri eb nahm e Hinweis: Bitte beac hten Sie, dass der USB - B etrieb nic ht von Windows 95/ NT unterstüt zt wir d. Ansch lus s an d en PC  S chließen Sie den US B - Stec ker [...]

  • Page 4

    DE 4 T e chni sch e Dat en  H ersteller : Jöllenbec k GmbH , Kreuzber g 2, D -27 40 4 Weer t zen  M odellnummer : SL - 6 4 48  N ame: Blade Ke yboard  1,3 m langes USB - Kabel, abgesc hirmt  B etriebs spannung: 5V DC Ergo nom ie a m Ar be it spl at z Falscher oder langzeitiger Gebrauc h der T ast atur kann zu körperl[...]

  • Page 5

    DE 5 Ar be it spl at zg es ta lt ung Gest alten Sie Ihr Ar beitsumfeld m öglichst symmetr isch. Set zen Sie sich direk t vor den Monitor , so das s der Bildschir m parallel zur Kante Ihres Schreibtische s verläuf t. Be achten Sie, dass der Sehabstand zum Monitor mindestens eine Ar mlänge beträgt . Stellen Sie die T ast atur auf gleicher Hö he [...]

  • Page 6

    GB i m p o r t a n t S a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n Imp or t ant! Before using this produc t, read the instruc tion manual for impo r t ant safety informatio n. Please retain this manual for future reference and war rant y informatio n. Exce mpt ion f rom Li abi lit y No liabilit y will at tac h to Jöllenbec k GmbH if any damage, injury or ac -[...]

  • Page 7

    GB 7 Incl ud ed in t he d eli ver y  B lade Ke yboard  O perating manual Syst em re quir em ent s  W indows 20 0 0/ M E / X P  U SB por t Sta r t- up Note : Please note that USB operatio n is not suppor ted by Windows 9 5/ NT . Conn ec tin g to th e PC  Plug t he USB c onnector into one of the US B por ts on your compu[...]

  • Page 8

    GB 8 T e chni ca l Info r mat io n  M anufacturer : Jöllenbec k Gmb H, Kreuzbe rg 2, D -27 40 4 Weer t zen, Ger many  M odel number : SL - 6 4 48  Pro duct name: Blade Ke yboard  1.3m shielded USB c able  O perating volt age: 5V DC Workspa ce er gon omi cs Incor rec t use of a ke yboard, or using it for extended per i[...]

  • Page 9

    GB 9 Set up Ar range your workspac e as symmetric ally as pos sible. Sit directly in fr ont of the monitor so that the sc reen r uns parallel to the edge of your desk. Make sure that you are sitt ing at least one arm’ s length awa y from the monitor . Place your ke yboard dead c entre in front of you and at the same height as your mouse. Other f [...]

  • Page 10

    FR i n S t r u c t i o n S d e S é c u r i t é Imp or t ant! Av ant d‘utiliser ce produit, c onsultez le manuel d‘instr uctio ns. V ous y trouverez des informati ons impor- tantes sur la sécur ité. Conser vez ce manuel pour référence ultér ieure. Ent ret ien Ne tenez pas d‘effec tuer vous- même l’ entretien du disposit if ni de le r[...]

  • Page 11

    FR 1 1 Élé men ts f our nis  Cl avier Blade Ke yboard  M ode d’ emploi Con gura ti on systè me re qui se  W indows 9 8/9 8S E /20 0 0 /M E / X P  Por t USB Mise e n ser vic e Remarque : le mode US B n’ e st pas pris en c harge sous W indows 95 /NT . Racc ord em en t à l’ ordin at eur  R acc ordez la c h[...]

  • Page 12

    FR 1 2 Cara ct ér ist iqu es t ec hniqu es  Fabric ant : Jöllenbec k GmbH , Kreuzber g 2, D -27 40 4 Weer t zen, Allemagne  N uméro du modèle : S L - 6 4 48  N om : clavier Blade Keyboard  C âble USB blindé de 1 ,3 m  T ension de marc he : 5 V DC Ergo nom ie du p ost e de t ravail Une mauvaise utilisation ou une [...]

  • Page 13

    FR 1 3 Org ani sat ion Aménagez votre c adre de travail de la manière la plus symétrique possible. Installez-vous d irectement devan t l’ écran, de telle sor te que la sur fac e soit par- allèle au bord de votre bureau. V os yeux doi vent ê tre à une longueur de bras au moins du moniteur . Placez le c lavier dev ant vous au centre, à la m[...]

  • Page 14

    ES n o t a S i m p o r ta n t e S S o b r e l a S e g u r i d a d Imp or t ant e! Antes de utiliz ar este producto, lea el manual de instruc ciones par a obtener informaci ones impor tantes ac erc a de la seguri dad. Guarde el manual de instruc cio nes para c onsultas en el futuro. Soluc iòn d e pro bl ema s No intente reparar el dispositivo usted[...]

  • Page 15

    ES 15 Componentes sumi nistrados  T eclad o B lad e  Instruccion es de ma ne jo Requerimiento s del sis tema  W ind ows 98/98SE/200 0/ME / XP  Puerto USB Puesta en funci onamiento Adv e r ten cia : T en e n cue nta qu e Wind ow s 95/NT no so portan el si st em a U SB. Conexi ón al PC  C onec ta el c able US B a un pue[...]

  • Page 16

    ES 16 Dato s téc nic os  Fabric ante: Jöllenbeck GmbH , Kreuzber g 2, D -27 40 4 Weer t zen  M odelo núm.: SL - 6 4 4 8  N ombre: T eclad o Blade  C able USB de 1 ,3 m de largo apantallado  T ensión op erativa: 5V CC Ergo nom ía en el p ue sto d e tr aba jo La utiliz ación inadecuada o durante mucho tiemp o del t[...]

  • Page 17

    ES 1 7 Org ani za ció n Pro cura q ue tu ár ea de tra ba jo te ng a u na f orma si mé trica. Sié nta te d ela n te de l moni to r d e man era q ue la pa n tall a se orien t e d e forma p ara lel a a l bord e de la mesa de tra ba jo . La di stan cia id eal d e l a vis ión a la pa nta lla d ebe d e t en er como mí nimo lo mis mo qu e t u braz o[...]

  • Page 18

    IT i m p o r ta n t i i n f o r m a z i o n i i n m at e r i a d i S i c u r e z z a Imp or t ant e! Prima di utiliz zare il pro dot to, è neces sar io leggere at tentamente nel manuale d’istruzione le av ver tenze sulla sicurezz a, nonché gener ali. Conser vare accurat amente il presente manuale d‘istr uzioni al ne di poterlo suc ce ssiva[...]

  • Page 19

    IT 19 In do ta z ion e con l a for ni tur a  B lade Ke yboard  M anuale d'istr uzioni Requi sit i di sist em a  W indows 9 8/9 8S E /20 0 0 /M E / X P  Inter facc ia USB Me ssa in f unz ion e Nota bene: Si prega di tener co nto che le funzioni USB n on sono suppor tate da Windows 9 5/N T . Coll ega me nto a l PC  [...]

  • Page 20

    IT 20 Dat i tec nic i  Pro dut tore: Jöllenbeck GmbH , Kreuzber g 2, D -27 40 4 Weer t zen  N umero del mo dello: SL - 6 4 48  N ome: Blade Ke yboard  C avo USB lungo 1 , 3 m, scherm ato  T ensione d’ esercizio: 5V DC Ergo nom ia sul po sto di l avoro L ’ uso errato o pro lungato della tastiera può c ompo r t are[...]

  • Page 21

    IT 21 Org ani z za z ion e Allest ite il vostro ambiente di lav oro possibilmente in maniera simmetr ic a. Se - dete vi dirett amente dav anti al monitor , in modo c he lo scher mo sia in parallel o con il b ordo della vostra sc rivania. Fat e attenzione che la dist anza tr a occ hi e scher mo c ompor ti almeno la lunghez za di un brac cio. Sistema[...]

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  • Page 24

    SL-6448 V ersion 1.0 10.1 1.2006 © 200 6 J öl lenb ec k Gm bH . Al l ri ght s res er ved. A ll pr odu ct n ame s ment io ned i n this m anua l may be tr ade mar ks or r eg iste red t rad ema rks a nd are t he pr op er t y o f the ir re spe ct ive owne rs . Info rm ati on c ont ain ed he rei n is sub jec t to c hang e wi tho ut not ic e. Thi s pub[...]