Freecom Technologies Media Player II manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Freecom Technologies Media Player II, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Freecom Technologies Media Player II one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Freecom Technologies Media Player II. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Freecom Technologies Media Player II should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Freecom Technologies Media Player II
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Freecom Technologies Media Player II item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Freecom Technologies Media Player II item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Freecom Technologies Media Player II alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Freecom Technologies Media Player II, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Freecom Technologies service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Freecom Technologies Media Player II.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Freecom Technologies Media Player II item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    M E D I A P L A Y E R I I E XT E R NA L M U L TI M E D IA H AR D D R I V E / 3 . 5 " / L A N / U SB 2 .0 / A V Rev. 90 4 USER MANUAL[...]

  • Page 2

    2 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN Dea r use r! Thank you for buy ing the Freec om Me dia Player I I , a b rand -n ew digit al mult imedia player that sup por t s dual data access mo de via 3. 5" HDD inside (not supp lied with "Dr ive I n K it "- mode l) and 1 0/ 1 00M bps Net wor k. W ith this Freecom Me diaPlayer I I yo u can easil y en[...]

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    3 EN User manual Gen eral Inf ormatio n ........................................................................................................... pag e 4 Impo r tant note .............................................................................................................. page 4 Speci f icatio n ..........................................[...]

  • Page 4

    4 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN Gene ral Information Im por t ant n ot e: The Freecom device has not b ee n d evelop ed or conce ived for us e w ith d isregar d to copyri ghts o r othe r rig hts to i ntellec tua l pro per t y. The Freecom dev ice can only be used wi th mater ial which is th e l egal pro per t y of the user or whe re the us er has a l[...]

  • Page 5

    5 EN Mi nim um Syste m Req uir eme nt s PC: • Intel Pentium III / A MD Duro n 90 0 MHz or h igher • 256 MB R AM ( V ist a: 5 1 2 MB R AM) or high er • Availab le USB 2.0, 1 . 1 Por t (USB 2.0 re comme nded)* • Availab le 1 0/ 1 00 Ethe rnet L AN Por t, R J 45 ( 100 Mbps r ecomme nded ) or WL AN • L AN Cab le • For playb ack on T V, a TV[...]

  • Page 6

    6 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN Prec aut io ns Please rea d the foll owing in this ma nual car efull y for pr oper us e. Copyri gh t • F reecom can not be he ld respo nsible fo r th e us e o f il lega l s of t ware, audio so urces, vide o so urces e tc. T he u ser a nd/or owner of th e Freeco m Me diaPlayer II is l egall y respo nsible f or the con[...]

  • Page 7

    7 EN Cau ti ons f or p oss ib il it y of c au si ng Ra di o Waves to cr oss • Free com MediaPlayer II may cause Radio W aves to cross, so it is recommen ded t o b e aler t when you keep devices near the F ree com MediaPlayer II. Espe cially c oncer ning your heal th. Dat a Bac ku p • W e strongl y recommend you to make a data backup to another [...]

  • Page 8

    8 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN Warnin gs an d Safe ty I nst ruc t ion s Please read and foll ow the be low m ention ed instru cti ons. Th ey sh ould be obse r ved in orde r to p revent inj ur y to the user, d amage to the devi ce and damag e to p rop er t y , as well as to ensur e safe us e of the p roduc t . Not fo llowing these ins truc tions m ay[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Product O ver view EN 1 Chapter 1 : Produc t Overview 1 . 1 Fron t View Bu tt on d ef ini t ion But to n But to n def in iti on Des cri pt ion Power but ton Press shor tl y to switch on / of f the power. Please note: shut ting down the devi ce takes ca . 1 5 s econds! LED d ef in it io n LED LED d ef ini ti on Des cri pt ion HDD Read / Write LED [...]

  • Page 10

    1 0 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 1 1 . 2 Bac k View Por t de fi ni ti on Por t Por t de fi ni ti on De sc rip ti on Power Input Power por t Power inp ut ( 1 2V , 2A DC) Compo nent vide o outp ut YPbPr conne c tion P r o g r e s s i v e s c a n c o m p o n e n t v i d e o outpu t Composite audio o utput Audio conne c tion Composite aud io outpu t Com[...]

  • Page 11

    11 Product O ver view EN 1 1 . 3 Rem ote co nt rol BUT TON FU NC TIO N POWER T u rn device o n and of f (st andby mo de) MUTE T u rn on or o f f audio o utput T V SYST EM Press to s witch b et ween NTSC, P AL, 480 p, 57 6 p, 720p 50 Hz, 720p 60H z, 1 08 0i 50Hz a nd 1 080 i 60 Hz 0 -9 Press to input di gits GOTO Press to jump to a title, cha pter o[...]

  • Page 12

    1 2 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 1 SLOW Press f or slow moti on: (3/ 4, 1 /2, 1 / 4, 1 /8, 1 /1 6x) Press PLA Y to resume to regu lar play mo de. AUDIO Switch audio tra ck ZOOM Press to zoom w hen play ing back p hotos or V ideo: Photo zoom l evels:2 x, 4x , 8x , 1 6x Vid eo zoo m levels:2 x , 3x, 4x, 8 x ALL Press this key to show all f il es MUSIC[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Basic oper ation EN 2 Chapter 2: Basic ope ration 2. 1 First st ep s 1 . Power con nec t ion T ake o ut power a dapter fr om the pa ckage a nd conne ct i t to the device. 2. Co nne ct ion o f T V aud io ou tp ut The produc t is designe d with multi- output , including composite (A V ), component (Y PbPr ). and HDM I. Y ou can s ele ct dif fere n[...]

  • Page 14

    1 4 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 2 Coax ial o ut put co nne ct io n Coaxia l outpu t: Conne c t the pro duc t coa xial conn ec tor with th e coax ial conne c tor of your video or audio device by using a c oax ial cable. E nter the produc t 's audio setup and sele c t the Digital Outp ut option "SPDIF LPCM" or "SPDIF RAW". It[...]

  • Page 15

    15 Basic oper ation EN 2 2. 2 Net work S et up un der W ind ows XP and Wi nd ows Vist a 2. 2.1 Windows X P T wo con ditions a re necess ar y for a su ccessful se tup net wor k conne cti on: 1 . Fol der shar ing and s afet y se tup. 2. Set the sam e gateway and subn et addr ess. Procedur e of f ile shar ing und er Win dows XP: 1 . Se lec t the fol d[...]

  • Page 16

    1 6 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 2 3. Open Co ntrol Pane l - > Ad ministr ative T ools - > Computer Manageme nt - > Local Use rs and Gro ups" and click " Users" opti on. R ight click "Gu est " and s ele ct " Prop er ties" . 4. Selec t 'User s can n ot ch ange passwor d' and ' Password never [...]

  • Page 17

    17 Basic oper ation EN 2 6. Selec t ‘ Interne t Protocol ( TCP / IP)’ and click on "Pro per tie s" . 7 . Set up the re levant I P addre ss, sub net mask and gateway. T his ca n also b e do ne automatic ally (DH CP ). 8. Click on OK to compl ete the Ne two rk Sharin g proce dure.[...]

  • Page 18

    1 8 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 2 2. 2. 2 Win dows V ist a 1 . Pleas e make sure that you have admin istrator r ights o n your Vis ta s ystem . 2. Selec t Contro l Panel - > User Accounts and Family Safe t y . 3. Selec t "User Accounts" - > "Mana ge anoth er account ". Click on th e "Gues t " account and se lec t[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Basic oper ation EN 2 Follow the i nstru cti ons as shown in the a bove p ic ture and co nnec t the d evice to PC . Power on the PC and enter th e s ystem . T he PC de tec ts the dev ice au tomatical ly a nd then the device can be used as an ex ter nal U SB storage device. After data transfer is finishe d, pleas e rem ove the USB s torag e devi [...]

  • Page 20

    2 0 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Chapter 3: Using the produc t 3. 1 B rowse a nd pl ay medi a fi les Power o n the HDD Player . The s ystem sh ows the main me nu af ter a few se conds. Fou r optio ns will be avai lable: . With th ese fu nc tions, yo u can br owse movi e, photo and music f ile s store d in HD D, net- work an d USB by pressin g the [...]

  • Page 21

    21 Using the product EN 3 File E di t me nu Sel ec t a f ile or f olde r by pressin g the navigati on but ton . Press OPT ION b ut ton on the remote contro l to rename o r dele te f iles and p ress the " ENTER " but ton to conf ir m. Retur n Sel ec t to return to th e f irs t menu Renam e Please ref er to the fo llowing p rocedu re to ren[...]

  • Page 22

    2 2 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 3. 1 . 1 N et wo rk My sh or tc ut Sel ec t a PC in the menu or add one a vailab le IP address to access media file s in net work throug h My_Sho r tcuts . 3. 2 File Copy The File Copy f unc tio n allows copying f iles b et wee n HDD, USB or Net wor k. Press the COPY button o n the remote contr ol to copy f iles f [...]

  • Page 23

    23 Using the product EN 3 Ste p 4: S el ec t t he de st i nat io n fol de r Press or t o sele c t a targe t folde r in the destination sec tor . Press fo r the nex t step or press to return . Ste p 5: Copy St at us In the m enu, se lec t EN TER to copy or sele c t NO to ca ncel. Af ter f ile copy is f inis hed, the sys tem wil l displ ay "File[...]

  • Page 24

    2 4 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Cha ngi ng Au di o Set t in gs Night Mo de "On" "Of f " and "Comfo r t mod e" are availabl e In comfor t mo de, the volum e is res tric ted auto maticall y so that it would n ot af fe ct ot her pe opl e fro m rest or wo rk ing. Digit al outp ut The fo llowin g optio ns are availabl e: [...]

  • Page 25

    25 Using the product EN 3 Cha ngi ng N et wor k Se tt in gs Not e: A WL AN U SB St ic k is o pt io nal ly ava il abl e on w w w.f ree co m. com . Wire d LAN S etup and Wire less L AN Setup Wir ele ss L AN Se tup: Check the f ollowi ng items b efore usi ng this fun ct ion: - C onnec tio n bet wee n pro duc t and net wo rk - Net work p rotocol is ava[...]

  • Page 26

    2 6 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Wir el es s Set u p Enter the SE TUP by pr essing the SE TU P but ton on th e remote contro l. Se lec t NE T - > Wire less Set up and pre ss OK to enter. Wh en u s in g t hi s f e at ur e f or th e fi rst ti me , s el ect M OD IFY an d f oll o w t he set u p st e p-by- st ep . Sel ec t INFRA ST RUC TUR E or PEER[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Using the product EN 3 Wir el es s LA N Conn ec ti on Freecom Media Player II su ppo r ts two t yp es o f wir eless stru c ture m odes: Inf rastr uc ture mode & Ad - Hoc m ode (Peer-to -p ee r) . Ad - Ho c Mo de Inf rast ruc t ure M ode (AP) Ad - Hoc M od e (Pee r- to -p ee r) 1 : 1 wire less L AN con nec tio n t y pe be t ween wire less ada[...]

  • Page 28

    2 8 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Inf rast ruc t ure M ode Y ou can inser t a USB wireless n et work c ard to the USB HOST inter face on s tar tu p of the device or you can inser t a USB wire less net wor k c ard at this time. Th e s creen wi ll sh ow WIFI PLUG- IN. " Auto " allows to automati cally s earch for W irel ess SSID.[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Using the product EN 3 Sel ec t the encr yptio n mod e of your Access Point: - O pen System - Sha red Key ( WEP) - WPA/ WP A2 Key and pre ss ENTER on th e remote contro l. Enter your pass word, i f requi red.[...]

  • Page 30

    3 0 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Y ou can choo se D HCP I P (AUTO ) to obt ain a dy namic IP or ch oose FIX IP (MANUAL) to set a f ixe d IP . The p arame ters are sh own in the SE T T ING LIST a s follows : Press ENTER o n the rem ote contr ol. Af ter th e conne cti on was es tabl ished su ccessfull y , you will see a summar y where IP add ress, s[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Using the product EN 3 Sel ec t "N ET WORK " in the ma in menu . Y ou will se e not o nly "My_ Shor tcuts" and "My_ Neig hbor s" , but also all share d folder s in your net wor k. This indic ates th e success of your wirel ess conne cti on set up.[...]

  • Page 32

    3 2 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Pee r- to -p ee r mo de (Ad - ho c mod e) Use "Peer-to -p ee r" t o create a w irele ss net work bet ween your Med iaplayer and another computer witho ut usin g a W LAN router. Such net wo rk s are som etimes also refer red to as ad- ho c net work s . T o esta blish a peer-to -p ee r net work a USB WLAN s[...]

  • Page 33

    33 Using the product EN 3 Set th e name o f pro duc t in w irele ss net work as wire less SSID. Set the host I P addr ess and make sure that the IP addr ess does not conf li ct wi th the USB wireless net wor k card IP addr esses of you r computer. Save set tings an d test. Af te r successful tes t, ne two rk info rmation w ill be sh own. Press ENTE[...]

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    3 4 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 In the main i nter face of the " N ET WORK " , sel ec t "MY _ SHOR TCUTS" .[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Using the product EN 3 Press the "Optio n" button o n the remote control. I n the pop - up wind ow sele ct "add" to add a n ew shor tcut . The user will be GUEST , as I P address the IP address of the computer in your p eer-to -p eer n et work has to b e entered . Save set tings and selec t the shor tcut to enter. You w ill n[...]

  • Page 36

    3 6 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 3 Cha ngi ng Syst em S et t ing s Menu L angua ge Choose the OSD (On Scre en Disp lay) language. T e x t Encodin g Change char ac ter encod ing. Login Contro l Activ ate login contr ol (pass word) fo r the devi ce web inter face. System Info Star t, sto p, upgra de or uni nstal l sys tem ser v ices.[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Using the product EN 3 System Update Up grade yo ur sys tem here . HDD For mat Use this o ption to fo rmat the b uilt-in HDD. A T TENT ION ! Th e inter nal har d disk will be f ormat ted in N TFS format . Mac user s have read - onl y access wh en connec tin g t he device via USB to the ir Mac . T o co py d ata fro m Mac to the M e - diaplayer, n[...]

  • Page 38

    3 8 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 4 Chapter 4: Inst alling BT _ SAMBA BT Player is a s yste m sof t ware, it cons ists o f th e ope rating s ystem (Linu x+ AP ) and the appli cation s of t ware (BT_ SAMBA). 4. 1 Initia l inst allat ion When inser ti ng a hard disk to the system for the fi rst time, the system will st ar t with the hard disk fo rmat i[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Install BT _ SAMBA EN 4 Step 4 : Congratu lation p age When fo rmat ting is f inish ed, the s yste m w ill display a congr atulatio n p age. Se lec t OK but ton and Press " ENT ER" to ex it. T he sy stem will b oot up au tomatica lly. 4. 2 N ei ghb or Web in ter fac e When the Mediaplay er has a network connection, you can use the play[...]

  • Page 40

    4 0 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 4 4. 4 Add n ew tor rent Sel ec t to add a n ew torrent dow nloa d. On the " Add n ew to rrent " page, click th e " Brows e" bu tto n to cho ose a torrent f ile p ath from l oca l PC. W hen you s ele ct a to rrent f ile, p ress "Op en" but ton to add . Nex t , click "Y es" to c[...]

  • Page 41

    41 Install BT _ SAMBA EN 4 1 . Dow nlo ad Pa ge When cli ckin g o n a torrent f il e n ame, at the bot tom of th e p age the tor rent f ile inf or- mation will be displ ayed. W hen the box o n th e le f t si de o f the f ile name is checked , it means that th e f ile is se lec ted . Y ou ca now se lec t " Star t " ,"Stop" , &quo[...]

  • Page 42

    4 2 Fr eecom MediaPla yer II EN 4 4. 5 " Vi si t ne igh bor " fu nc ti on On the dev ice hom e page, se lec t " V isit nei ghbo r" to brows e the HDD f il es. A TTE NTI ON : Th is fe atu re is onl y avail ab le whe n u si ng t he Int er net E x- pl ore r! I t wi ll no t wor k wit h ot h er b rowse rs , e. g. Fi ref ox or O pe ra[...]

  • Page 43

    W ARRANTY (valid in E urope/T urke y only) W e thank you f or purchasing this F reecom pr oduct and hope you will enjoy using it. In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience on your par t, we suggest reading the quick ins ta ll guid e , i nst ru ctio n manu al and an y addit io nal ele ctr on ic and or prin te d ma nua ls . Wh en pro blems occur we[...]