Canon RS-CL07 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Canon RS-CL07, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Canon RS-CL07 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Canon RS-CL07. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Canon RS-CL07 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Canon RS-CL07
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Canon RS-CL07 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Canon RS-CL07 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Canon RS-CL07 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Canon RS-CL07, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Canon service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Canon RS-CL07.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Canon RS-CL07 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    天吊り金具 Ceiling-mount Hanger Dispositif de suspension au plafond Soporte Colgante de Montaje en Techo Deckenmontagehalterung Staffa di installazione per softto Plafondbevestiging 使用説明書 Installation Manual Manuel d’installation Manual de Instalación Installationsanleitung Manuale d’installazione Installatiehandleiding RS-CL[...]

  • Page 2

    1 ● 天 井 の高 さに 合わせ て 、 別 売の 延 長 用パイ プ (R S -C L08 / RS -C L0 9 ) をご使 用ください 。 詳し くは、 販 売 店にお 問い 合わせください 。 天 吊 り 金 具 RS -CL 0 7 /RS - C L 1 0 使用説 明書 キ ヤ ノ ン プ ロ ジ ェ ク タ ー 用 天井取り付け金具?[...]

  • Page 3

    2 ● 設 置の 前に必ず 天 井の 強 度を 確認し て ください 。 設 置 部分の 天 井は 、 プロジェ クタ ーと天 吊り 金 具 (および延 長 パイ プ ) の質 量を支 え る十 分な強 度 が必 要で す 。 天 井が 強 度 不足 のと きは 、 十 分 な 補 強を 行っ て くだ ?[...]

  • Page 4

    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm 天井からレンズ中心までの距離 ( ℓ ) RS - CL07 RS - CL0 8を 使用 R S- CL0 9を 使用 25cm 60c m~80cm 8 0cm~1 2 0cm RS-CL07:SX7 MarkII/SX60/X700 4:3 画面サイズ (対角) 投写距離 H2(高さ) H1(高さ) ℓ 側面[...]

  • Page 5

    4 ●プロ ジ ェクタ ー の ズー ム 機能 で画 面サイズを 変更 する ことにより 、 表 中の 範囲 で距 離を 調整 できま す 。 画面サイズと投写距離 画 面サイズ ( 型) (幅×高さcm) 4 0 8 1 ×6 1 60 1 22×9 1 80 1 63× 122 1 0 0 20 3× 1 5 2 1 50 30 5 ×22 9 1 8 2?[...]

  • Page 6

    5 普通の天井への取り付け 組 み 立 て と 設置 準 備: 天 井取 り付 け金 具と 連結 金具 をい った ん 分 離す る 連結金具の M5 ねじ 4 本を外し、天井取り 付け金具と連結金具を分離します。 1  天井に穴を開ける 天井取り付け金具の固定用とケーブル類の 配[...]

  • Page 7

    6 4  落下防止ワイヤーを取り付ける ① プロジェクターの調整脚をゆるめます。 ② 付 属 の落 下 防止 ワ イヤ ー(RS-CL10 の 場合は長い方)を本体取り付け金具の角 穴 (A) に通 し、 もう 一方 の端 を右 側の 調 整脚 (B) に掛けます。 ③ 同 様 に落 下 防[...]

  • Page 8

    7 7  本体取り付け金具を連結金具に掛けて 仮止めする 連結金具の突起 ( A ) に引っ掛け 、付属の M5 ねじ (B)4 本で仮止めします。 ● 図のようにケーブル類を引き出してください。 ● ねじ(B) は「投写角 度の調整 」 (P.11) の後 でしっかり締めて固?[...]

  • Page 9

    8 ② 準 備: 天井の高さに合わせ、パイプの長さを 調整する ① 外側パイプと内側パイプのカバーを図の ように少しずらし、取り外します。 ②側面の M5 ねじ 4 本をいったん外し、プ ロジェクターを取り付ける高さに合わせ てから固定し直します。 ●  ?[...]

  • Page 10

    9 6  天井取り付け金具に延長パイプの上端 を固定する 延長用パイプに付属の M5 ねじ 4 本で固定 します。 ● 図のようにパイプの開放部は天井取り付け金具 の開放部に対して 180 度になる向きで取り付 けます。 7  連結金具を延長パイプの下端に取り付 け[...]

  • Page 11

    10 9  ケーブル類をパイプ内に配線し 、カ バーを閉める ① 天井の穴から ケーブル 類を引き出 します。 ② パイプの内側 にケーブ ル類を収納 します。 ③ パイプのカバーを内側、 外側の順で閉め、 延長用パイプに付属の M3 ねじ 1 本で固 定します。 ?[...]

  • Page 12

    1 1 投写 角 度 の調 整 プ ロジ ェク ター の電 源を 入 れ、 画 像を 投写し て 投写 角度 および 画 面の 傾きを 調整し て くださ い。 ●調整後はそれぞれのねじをしっかりと締め、各金具が確実に固定されていることを確認してください。 ● 各金具を確?[...]

  • Page 13

    1 2 RS - CL 07 RS - CL 10 調 整範 囲 水平方 向 の投 写角 度 左 右 各5° 左 右 各5° 垂 直方 向の 投 写角 度 上向 き5° 、 下 向き2 0° 上 向き5 ° 、 下 向き2 0° 画 面の 傾き ±  5° ±5° 組 立外 形寸 法 (突 起 物 含まず) 幅222.7 mm× 奥 行 28 1 .5mm ×?[...]

  • Page 14

    1 / ● Us eanopti onalex tensi onpipe( RS- CL0 8/ RS- C L09)acc ordi ngtothec eili ngheig ht.Fordet ails,c onta ctour loc alage nt. R S - CL 0 7 /R S - CL 1 0 Assembl y/Instal lation Manua l Can on Ceil ing- mount Han ger Ceiling-mountbracketandJointtting Ceiling-mountbracket RS-[...]

  • Page 15

    2 ● B eforemo untin gtheCe iling -mo untHan ger ,besu retoche ckthes treng thofthec eili ng.The ce ilingsh ouldb estron genoug htosupp or tthepro ject orandCe iling -m ountHan ger(andopt ional ext ensio npipe).Ifthec eilin gisnotst rong?[...]

  • Page 16

    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm l H1(Height) ProjectionDistance H2(Height) Sideview Frontview T opview 4:3 Screensize Screen Size and Projection D istance ●Thed istan cecanb eadjust edwit hinthera ngesho wnabovebyc hangin gthesc reensi zeusin[...]

  • Page 17

    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm RS-CL10:SX80 MarkII/SX800 Screen Size and Projection D istance Scr eensiz e(inch)  (W idthxhe ightcm) 40 81×61 60 122×91 8 0 163×122 10 0 203 × 152 150 30 5×22 9 1 82 370×2 77 20 0 40 6×30 5 250 50 8×381 3 00 610×4 57 Proj ec[...]

  • Page 18

    5 InstallationtoatandlevelCeiling Assembly and Instal lation Preparation: Separate the Joint tting from the Ceiling-mount bracket temporarily Rem ove fo ur M5 scre ws to s epara te Joi nt ttingfromtheCeiling-mountbracket.  1  Make a hole in the ceiling Make a hole in the [...]

  • Page 19

    6 4  Attach the anti-fall wires 1 Loosen the leftand right adjusting feet of theprojector . 2 Pass one end of the anti-fall wire (longer wiref orRS-C L10)int othesq uarehol e(A) on the Base bracket, and then fasten the otherendtot[...]

  • Page 20

    7 7  Hook the Base bracket to the Joint tting and secure it temporarily Hookthe Basebracketonthe protrusion(A) of the Joint tting, and secure it temporarily usingthefoursuppliedM5screws(B). ● Pulloutthecablesasshown. ● Besuretosecuresc[...]

  • Page 21

    8 Mo untin gholep osit ion Di stan cefr omce ilingt olensa xis(l) RS -C L08 R S- CL0 9 a 60 c m/ 2.0 ' 80cm /2. 6' b 65 c m/2 . 1' 8 5cm/ 2.8 ' c 70 cm /2. 3' 9 0cm/ 3.0 ' d 75 cm /2. 5' 95c m/3 . 1' e 8 0c m/2 .6 ' * 1 0 0cm/ 3.3 ' f 10 5?[...]

  • Page 22

    9 6  Attach the top of the extension pipe to the Ceiling-mount bracket Secure to the extension pipe using the four suppliedM5screws. ● The open end of the pipe should face the open endoftheCeiling-mountbracketasshown. 7  Attach the Joint tting to the bott[...]

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    10 9  Put the cables in to the pipe and attach the covers 1 Pull the cables out of the cable hole in theceiling. 2 Putthecablesinsidethepipe. 3  Close the inner cover of the pipe and thencloseoutercoverofthepipe. Secure to the extension[...]

  • Page 24

    1 1 A djust the P rojection Ang le T u rnonth eproje ctor,proj ectanim age,andt henadj ustthep rojec tio nanglean dscre enslanta ngle. ● Aftercompletionofadjustment,tightenthescrewsandcheckthateveryttingissecuredrmly . ● B e sure to ho[...]

  • Page 25

    1 2 Re placing the Lamp and C leaning/Re placing the Air F ilter Thi s Cei lin g-moun t Hange r all ows you to r epl ace th e lam p and cle an/r epl ace th e ai r lt er witho ut dism oun ting the pro ject or . 1 Hold the projector , and remove two wing screws (A) an[...]

  • Page 26

    1 / ● Ut ilise zuntuyaud ’ ex tensi on(RS - CL08 /RS - CL0 8 )enfo ncti ondelaha uteurdup lafon d.Encequic onc erne lesd étail s,cont acte znotred istr ibuteu rloca l. M a n u e l d’ a s s em b la ge /i n st a l l a t i o n d u d i s p o s it i f d e s u s pe ns i o n a u p l [...]

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    2 ● Avantde monterledispositi f desuspensionauplafond,n ’oubliezpas devérierlarésistan cedu plafond.Leplafonddevraa voirunerésistanc e suf santepoursuppor ter leprojecteuretledispositif desuspensionauplafond( etle tuyaud[...]

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    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm H1(hauteur) Distancedeprojection H2(hauteur) l Vue deface Vuedecôté 4:3 T ailled'écran Largeur Hauteur Monture ●Ladi stanc epeutêt rerégl éedansl agammein diqué eci- dessu senmodi antle sdimen si[...]

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    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm Distancedeprojection l Vue deface Vuedecôté 4:3 T ailled'écran Largeur Hauteur Monture Largeur Hauteur ●Ladi stanc epeutêt rerégl éedansl agammein diqué eci- dessu senmodi antle sdimen sionsd el?[...]

  • Page 30

    5 Installationsurunplafondplatethorizontal Assemblage et ins tallation Préparation: Séparez provisoirement la ferrure d’ assemblage de la monture Enlevez quatre vis M5 pour séparer la  ferrured’assemblagedelamonture.  1  Percez le plafond d’un trou Faitesun troudanslep[...]

  • Page 31

    6 4  Attachez les ls antichutes 1 Desserrez les vis de réglage gauche et droiteduprojecteur . 2  Faites passer une extrémité du fil  antichute (l long pour RS-CL10) dans le troucarré(A)surlesupportdebase,puis xez l’autre ext[...]

  • Page 32

    7 7  Accrochez le support de base à la ferrure d’assemblage et xez-le provisoirement Accrochez le support de base au bossage (A) de  la ferrure  d’assemblage et fixez-le  pr ovi so ire me nta ve cle squ at rev isM 5f our nie s (B ). ● Retirezlescâblescommel?[...]

  • Page 33

    8 Préparation: Ajustez la longueu r de tuyau suivant la hauteur du plafond. 1 Ot ez  les  cou ve rcl es  de t uya ux  ext ér ieu r et in tér ie ure nl esf ais an tgl iss er lég èr eme nt et so ule ve z-l es co mm el ’i ndi qu el e de ssi n.  2 Enlevez quatre vis M5 de[...]

  • Page 34

    9 6  Attachez le sommet du tuyau d’extension à la monture Fixez le tuyau d’extension avec les quatre visM5fournies. ● L ’ex tr ém it éo uve rt e du tu yau d ’e xte nsi on e tc ell e de  la mon tur edo iv en têt re af fr on tée scom me l’i ndi qu e le ?[...]

  • Page 35

    10 9  Posez les câbles dans le tuyau et attachez les couvercles 1 Retirez les câbles par le trou de câble dansleplafond. 2 Posezlescâblesdansletuyau. 3 Remettez en place le couvercle intérieur de tuyau,  puis le  couvercle de  tuyau ex - térieur[...]

  • Page 36

    1 1 Ajustement de l’ a ngle de projection Al lumezlep roje cteur,proj etezuneim age,pui sajuste zl’ ang ledepro ject ionetl’angl ed’incl inais ondel’écra n. ● Aprèsavoirterminél’ajustement,serrezlesvisetassurez-vousquechaqueferrureestxéefe[...]

  • Page 37

    1 2 R em p l a c e me n t d e l a l am pe e t n e tt o y a g e / r e m p la c e m e n t d u  l tr e à a i r Le d isp osit if de sus pen sion au p laf ond pe rme t de re mpl acer l a lam pe e t de n etto ye r/ rem plac er le ltr e à air sans dém ont er l e proj ect eur . 1 En[...]

  • Page 38

    1 / ● Us euntubod eextens iónop cion al(RS -C L08 /RS - CL09)dea cuerd oconl aalturad eltec ho.Encuant oalos det alles ,cont acteanu estr oagentel ocal. M a n u a l d e E ns am b le e I n st a l ac ió n d e l S op o rte C o l g a n te d e M o n ta j e e n T e ch o C a n on [...]

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    2 ● Antes demo ntar elSo por t eColga nte de Montaje en T echo, asegúr esed ev ericarla resis tencia del techo .E lt echod eberá ser los ucienteme nte resist ente comop ara sopor ta rel pro yector y el Soporte Colgant ede Montaj een[...]

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    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm l Distanciadeproyección Soporteparamontaje entecho Vistalateral Vistadefrente Ancho Ancho Altura 4:3 T amañodela pantalla H1(Altura) H2(Altura) ●Lad istancia sepu edea justar dentro del margen indicado más?[...]

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    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm l Altura Distancia deproyección Soporteparamontaje entecho Vistalateral Vistadefrente Ancho Ancho Altura 4:3 T amañodela pantalla ●Lad istancia sepu edea justar dentro del margen indicado más arribamed iante[...]

  • Page 42

    5 InstalaciónenunT echoPlanoyaNivel Ensamble e Instalació n Preparativos: Separe temporalmente el Accesorio de unión del Soporte para montaje en techo Retir e los  cuat ro to rnillos M5 para sep arar el Accesorio de unión del Soporte para montajeentecho. 1  Haga un orici[...]

  • Page 43

    6 4  Acople los cables contra caídas 1 A f l o j e l o s  p i es  a j u s ta b l e s i z q u i er d o  y derechodelproyector . 2 Pase un extremodel cable contra caídas (el cable más largo corto para el RS- CL10) através deloricio rectangular(A)[...]

  • Page 44

    7 7  Enganche en el Accesorio de unión el Soporte de base y asegúrelo tem- poralmente Eng anc he e l Sop ort e de ba se en  la pro tub e- ra nci a ( A) d el  A cce so rio  de  uni ón  y as eg úre lo  te mpo ra lm ent e u sa nd o l os  cu at ro  to rni ll os  M5  su min is tra do [...]

  • Page 45

    8 Preparativos: Ajuste la longitud del tubo de acuerdo con la altura del techo 1 Re ti re  la s cu bi er ta s d e lo s t ub os  ext eri or  e in ter ior  haci énd ola s de sli zar  lig era men te y  le ván te las t al co mo se in di ca.  2  Retire los cuatro tornillos M5 d[...]

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    9 6  Ac op le l a p ar te s up er io r d el t ub o de ex te ns ió n a l So po rt e pa ra mo nt aj e en te ch o Asegure el tubo de extensión usando los cuatrotornillosM5suministrados. ● Ella do  a bi er to  d el  t ubo  d eb er áest arenf ren ta do  a l la do  a bi er to  d[...]

  • Page 47

    10 9  Ponga los cables en el tubo y colo- que las cubiertas 1 T ireysaqueloscablesporeloriciopara cablesdeltecho. 2 Pongaloscablesenelinteriordeltubo. 3 Cierre la cubierta interior del tubo y lue - g o c ierre la cubierta exterior del tubo.?[...]

  • Page 48

    1 1 Ajuste del Áng ulo de P ro yecc ión Enc iendae lproyec tor ,pr oyecteun aimagen ,yluegoa justeelá ngulod eproyec ciónye lángul odeincl inaci ón delap antal la. ● Después de c ompletar el ajuste, apriete los tornillos y verifique que cada [...]

  • Page 49

    1 2 S u s t i t u c i ó n d e l a L á m p a r a y L i m pi ez a/ S u s t i t u c i ó n d e l F i l tr o d e A i r e Est eS oporte Co lga nte de Mo nta je en T echo le pe rmit e susti tui r la lám para y limp iar /s ust itu ir el lt ro de air e sin des mon tar el pro yect or . 1 ?[...]

  • Page 50

    1 / ● J enachHö hederD eckekanne inopti onale sV er länge rung srohr( RS- CL 08/ RS -C L09)er for derl ichsei n. Ber atenSi esichhi erz ubitt emitIhre mFachhä ndler. C a n o n D e c k e n m o n ta ge h a lt er u n g C L 1 0 R S-C L 0 7 / R S-C L 1 0 Z us am m e n b a u - u n d In s ta[...]

  • Page 51

    2 ● Über prüfenSiedieT r agfähigkeitder DeckevorderInstallationderDeckenmontageh alterung.Die Deckemussstarkgenugsein,umdas Gewic ht desProjekto rsund derDeckenmontag ehalterung (sowieggf .desoptionalenVerlängerung srohrs )zu tra gen. Istdie?[...]

  • Page 52

    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm l Projektionsabstand Breite Seitenansicht Frontansicht Deckenmontagehalterung Höhe Breite 4:3 Projektionsbildg+röße H1(Höhe) H2(Höhe) Abstand Decke - Objektivmitte (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 BeiM odel lRS- CL0 8 BeiMo dellRS -C L09 25cm 60c mbis80[...]

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    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm l Projektionsabstand Breite Seitenansicht Frontansicht Deckenmontagehalterung Höhe Breite 4:3 Projektionsbildg+röße Höhe Abstand Decke - Objektivmitte (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 BeiM odel lRS- CL0 8 BeiMo dellRS -C L09 25cm 60c mbis80c m 80cmb i[...]

  • Page 54

    5 Installationaneinerwaagerechten,ebenenDecke Zusammenba u und Installation V orbereitungen: Da s V er bi nd un gsb le ch v or üb er geh en d vo n de r Dec ke nm on ta ge ha lte ru ng tr en ne n E n t f e r n e n  S i e  d i e  v i e r  S c h r a u b e n  M 5 , um das V erbindungsblech von der  De ck[...]

  • Page 55

    6 4  Fangleinen befestigen 1  Lösen Sie den linken und rechten  V erstellfußamProjektor . 2  Ziehen  Sie ein Ende der Fangleine  (längerer Fangleine für RS-CL10)  durch die viereckige  Öffnung (A) in der Grundplatte und befestigen Sie das  and[...]

  • Page 56

    7 7  Di e Gr un dpl at te a m V er bi nd un gsb le ch ei nh ak en un d pr ov is or is ch be fe st ig en Hängen Sie die Grundplatte auf die Zapfen (A) des  V erbindungsblechs  und si chern Sie sie provisorisch mit den vier mitgelieferten Sc hra ub en M5 (B ). ● FührenSied[...]

  • Page 57

    8 V orbereitungen: Die Länge des Rohrs an die Höhe der Decke anpassen 1 E n t f e r n e n  S ie  d i e  A b d e c ku n g e n  v o m  Au ßen -und  In nen roh r , in dem  Sie  sie  le ic ht  verschieben und anheben, wie in der  Ab bil du ng ge zei gt . 2 Entferne n Sie vier[...]

  • Page 58

    9 6  Das obere Ende des V erlängerungs- rohrs an der Deckenmontagehalte- rung befestigen Sichern Sie das V erlängerungsrohr mit den viermitgeliefertenSchraubenM5. ● Das offene Ende des Rohrs muss dem offenen  En de  der  De ck enm onta geh alt er ung  ge ge nüb er li e- ge[...]

  • Page 59

    10 9  Kabel durch das Rohr führen und die Abdeckungen anbringen 1 FührenSiedie KabeldurchdieKabeldur- chführungausderDeckeheraus. 2 LegenSiedieKabelindasRohr . 3 Sichern Sie das Verlängerungsrohr mit denmitgeliefertenSchraubenM3. 4 Schl ießen  Sie d[...]

  • Page 60

    1 1 Ein stellu ng des P rojektions wink els Sc haltenS iedenPr ojek torein,p rojiz ierenS ieeinBi ldundst ellenSi edabeid enProj ekti ons -und Nei gungs winkele in. ● ZiehenSiea nschließendandieEinstellungdieSchrauben festundvergewissernSiesichnochmal[...]

  • Page 61

    1 2 E r s e tz e n d e r La m p e u n d R e i n i g e n / E r s e tz e n d es L u ft lt e r s r Die se Deck enmo nta geha lt erung ist so a usg efüh rt, das s ein Ers etze n der Lam pe und R ein igen/E rsetze n des Luftlt ers mögl ich i st, o hne d en P roje ktor v on der H alt [...]

  • Page 62

    1 / ● C onsof t tipar ti cola rmen tealtièp ossib ileus areuntub odiesten sioneR S- CL0 8/ RS- CL 09.Perd etta gli, co nsult areunc entrove ndit aloca le. S ta ffa di i n s t a l l az io ne p e r s o f  tt o C a n o n s u s pe ns i o n R S-C L 0 7 /R S-C L 1 0 Ma n u a l e d i mo [...]

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    2 ● Pr ima diinstallarelastaf fa diinstalla zione persof tto,contro llare cheilsof ttosiasufc ientemente resistente.Ilsof ttode veesseresuf cientementefor te dasostenereilpesosiadel proi e t tore sia dellastaf fad iinstalla zione?[...]

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    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm l Distanzadiproiezione Larghezza Visionelaterale Visioneanteriore Staffadiinstallazione persoftto Larghezza Altezza 4:3 Dimensionischermo H1(Altezza) H2(Altezza) Distanza dal softto al centro della lente (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 Ses[...]

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    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm l Distanzadiproiezione Larghezza Visionelaterale Visioneanteriore Staffadiinstallazione persoftto Larghezza Altezza 4:3 Dimensionischermo Altezza Distanza dal softto al centro della lente (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 Sesiu sal' RS-[...]

  • Page 66

    5 Installazionesusofttiinpianoedorizzontali Montaggio ed ins tallaz io ne Preparazione: Se pa ra re il p ez zo d i gi unz io ne te mp or an eam en te d al la s taf fa d i in st al la zio ne p er s of t to Rimuo vere le quattr o viti M5 per separare  il  gi unt o dal la st af fa d i in sta [...]

  • Page 67

    6 4  Applicare i li di sicurezza 1  Allentare i piedini regolabili sinistro e  destrodelproiettore. 2  Far passare una estremità del filo di sicurezza (quello lungo nel caso dell’RS- CL10)nelforo quadrato(A)dellastaffadi base e quindi fiss[...]

  • Page 68

    7 7  Agg anci are l a st affa di base al giun to e f erma rla t empo rane amen te Agga nciare  la staf fa di base alla  protr usion e (A) del pezzo di giunzione e fermarla  te mpo ra nea me nte  u san do  le  q uat tr o v iti  M 5 i n do taz io ne (B ). ● Tirarefuori[...]

  • Page 69

    8 Preparativi: Regolare la lunghezza del tubo a seconda dell'altezza del softto  1 Rimuovere i rivestimenti dei tubi esterni ed in ter ni fa cen dol i sci vol are  di un po co e  so lle va ndo li ne l mod o vi sto i n gu ra.  2 Rimuovere le quattro viti M5?[...]

  • Page 70

    9 6  App lica re la som mità del tub o di est ensi one a lla staf fa d i in stal lazi one per sof tto Fermare il tubo di estensione facendo uso dellequattrovitiM5indotazione. ● L ’es tr em it àap er ta del tub ode vees ser eri vo lt ave r- so l’e st re mi tà ape [...]

  • Page 71

    10 9  Far passare i cavi per il tubo ed applicare i coperchi 1 Faruscire icavi dalforoapposito delsof- tto. 2 Farpassareicaviattraversoiltubo. 3 Chiudere il rivestimento interno del tubo e quindi il suo rivestimento esterno.  Fe rmare il tubo di[...]

  • Page 72

    1 1 Reg olaz io ne dell' angolo di pr oiezione Accend ere ilp roiett ore, pr oiettar e un'i mmag ine, regol are l'ango lo di proi ezion e er egola re l'an golo di i nclin azione del lo schermo . ● Completatalaregolazione,stringerelevitiecontrollarechetu[...]

  • Page 73

    1 2 S o s t i t uz i o n e de l l a l a m p a d i n a e p u l iz i a/ s o s ti t uz i o n e d e l  l tr o d e l l' a r i a Que sta st affa di ins tall azio ne pe r softto perm ette la s osti tuz ione de lla l amp adi na e l a pul izi a/sos tit uzi one d el ltro del l' aria s enza[...]

  • Page 74

    1 / ● G ebru ikeenlo sverk rijg barever lengp ijp(RS - CL0 8/RS - CL0 9)alsdatno digisvan wegedeho ogteva nhet pla fond.N eemvoo rdetai lscont acto pmetuwpl aatse lijkedea ler . C a n o n p l af on db e v es t i g i n g R S- C L 0 7 /R S-C L 1 0 M o n ta ge /I n s t a l l [...]

  • Page 75

    2 ● Co ntroleerof hetplafondsteviggenoegisvooru deplafondbevestigin g gaatinstalleren.Hetplafond moetsterkgenoegzijnomdeprojectorende plafon dbe vestig ing (en eventueeleenlosv er krijgbare verlengpi jp )tekunnen dragen.Alshetplafondn[...]

  • Page 76

    3 178 mm 168 mm 62 mm 266 mm 62 mm 249 mm 41 mm 168 mm 346 mm 178 mm Projectie-afstand l Breedte Zijaanzicht V ooraanzicht Plafondbevestigingsplaat Breedte Hoogte 4:3 Schermformaat H1 (Hoogte) H2(Hoogte) Schermafmetingen en projectie-afstand Afstand van het plafond tot het midden van de lens (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 Bijg ebrui kvane[...]

  • Page 77

    4 178 mm 164 mm 59 mm 342 mm 178 mm 164 mm 332 mm 59 mm 45 mm 249 mm Projectie-afstand l Breedte Zijaanzicht V ooraanzicht Plafondbevestigingsplaat Breedte Hoogte 4:3 Schermformaat Hoogte Afstand van het plafond tot het midden van de lens (l) RS -C L07 /R S- CL 10 Bijg ebrui kvaneenRS - CL08 B ijgebr uikvanee nRS- CL0 9 25?[...]

  • Page 78

    5 Installatieaaneenvlakenhorizontaalplafond Montage en installa tie V oorbereiding: Haa l de verb indi ngsk oppe ling tij deli jk los van de p lafo ndbe vest igin gspl aat V erwij derv ier M5sc hroev eno mde verbi n- ding skop pelin gvan de plafo ndbev esti gings - plaa tte kunn enha len.  1 [...]

  • Page 79

    6 4  Bevestig de veiligheidsdraden 1 Draai de linker en rechter instelvoetjes vandeprojectorlos. 2 Haalheteneuiteindevandeveiligheids- draad (langedraadvoordeRS-CL10) doorhetvierkan tegat(A)indebasisp laat enmaakhetandereuiteindevast[...]

  • Page 80

    7 7  Ha ak d e bas is pl aa t aa n de ve rb in di ng s- ko pp el in g e n ze t di t pr ovi so ri sc h va st Ha akd eba sis pla at aan het ui ts te ek se l( A) va n de ve rb in di ng sko pp eli ng e n ze t di tp rov iso ri sch  va stmet  de  v ie r m eeg ele ver de  M 5sch roe ve n (B[...]

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    8 V oorbereiding: Stel de lengte van de pijp af op de hoogte van het plafond 1 V erwijder de afdekkingen van de buiten- en  bi nn enp ijp en  doo r ze e en  st uk je t e v er - sc hui ven  en dan  omho og te  till en , zoa ls u ku nt zi en op de a fbe el din g.  2 V[...]

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    9 6  Bevestig de bovenkant van de ver- lengpijp aan de plafondbevestigings- plaat Zet de verlengpijp vast met de vier meege - leverdeM5schroeven. ● De op en k ant  van d e pi jp mo et o m de  open  kan t van  de t ting  op de  plaf ondb eve stig ing spla at?[...]

  • Page 83

    10 9  Doe de bedrading netjes in de pijp en bevestig de afdekkingen 1 T rekdebedrading doorhetgatinhetpla- fond. 2 PLeiddebedradingdoordepijp. 3 Doe eerst de afdekking op de binnenpijp en vervolgens op de buitenpijp. Zet de afdekkingen vast aan [...]

  • Page 84

    1 1 Instel len va n de projectiehoek Zet de proj ector aa n, project eer een bee ld en stel aan d eh and da arvan de pro jectie hoek en de hoek v an het s cherm bij. ● Als u klaar bent met deze instelling, moet u de schroeven denitief vastdraa[...]

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    1 2 V e r v a n ge n v a n d e l am p e n r e i n i ge n/ v e r v a n ge n v a n h e t l u c h t l t e r Dez e plafo ndb ev est igin g stel t u in s taat de l amp t e verva ngen en h et l uchtl ter te r ein ige n/verv ange n zonde r dat de pro ject or v erwijd erd ho eft te wo [...]

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